Easy Ways to Improve Your Makeup

To kick off the rebirth of my blog, I wanted to discuss something I’ve really been thinking a lot about lately as I try and redefine my approach to blogging and makeup.

In the makeup-sphere on social media, there’s this truth that people seem to dodge around. And while we all “know it” no one talks about it, and I feel that some people completely forget it all together. Namely, there’s always room for improvement! Even people with hundreds of thousands of followers can still learn something new and can somehow improve their work, even if only they know what they can improve upon.

And you know what? That’s an awesome fact of life and of makeup. It’s not as if you can get worse. Cool, right? There’s a facade of perfection that’s being pushed around by a lot of people on social media these days, intentionally or otherwise, and I think it’s a damaging, unproductive approach to makeup and life. We can always do better, and should strive for better, not necessarily perfection. (Not to be meta but what is ~perfect~ anyway, man?)

But you can’t get better if you don’t acknowledge your weaknesses, and that’s what I want to do today with my own makeup skills. Hopefully by sitting down and writing out my own makeup resolutions, I can bring to the front of my mind what I need to focus more on whenever I do my makeup. Maybe, some of these things could be relevant to you as well! So here are some ways you can improve your makeup, and how I’m using them myself!

Take your time more often when you do your makeup.

I’m not a morning person. Frankly, I’m not fully functioning before about 11 AM and that’s with caffeine. So, I often don’t give myself much time in the morning to do my makeup properly and then I wonder why one eyebrow is rebelling, my left cheek has lost all its foundation and- nope didn’t put on lipstick. If we want to get better at makeup, it won’t happen without practice, and intentional practice. Rushing doesn’t help technique at all.

Blending makes a huge difference, and that can take time.
As much as I advocate blending, I can sometimes been an impatient person and rush through my eyeshadow. Now, there’s nothing wrong with a simple two color look, but if it’s unblended it won’t look quite right. Taking the time to blend properly, which can sometimes be considerable, is crucial. If you simply throw product on your face without blending it in (or out), the effect you were looking for won’t translate.

You should at least give face primers a try.

Primers are one of those things that people either love or hate and I used to be on the latter team. But lately, and it may be from using primers that actually work for me, I’ve really been enjoying them. When I don’t use one, I notice a difference immediately. Honestly, without it my foundation just… vanishes. Houdini style. So give the primer a try. They can help the finish and wear of your makeup, and often protect your skin, particularly when you’re using heavy products.

Your makeup will look much better after a freshly done skincare regimen.

Just a reminder from #1, but my time management skills are not spectacular. So if I didn’t have time to do my makeup I more than likely did not have time to do my skincare. Which hurts my overall look as the day goes on. I have been better about this one, but because certain products have to be used consistently to control oil and combat texture, if I skip the morning it sets me back in how my skin looks, feels, and tolerates makeup. Skincare is the most important part of how your face makeup will look, in my opinion. If the canvas isn’t top notch, it may affect whatever is put on top. This can make or break your base.

Try new things, techniques or products.

I need to stop doing the same thing with my makeup and expecting different results, i.e. nose contour. To do so, I need to be better about trying new techniques to achieve different looks, rather than trying the same thing several times and thinking that it will somehow come out better the next time. (Is that the definition of stupidity or insanity? Didn’t Einstein or someone say something like that? Help.) Using old products in new ways as well, like highlighter for eyeshadow. Nothing revolutionary, but it can be the difference between a “nice” look and a great look. If what you’re doing isn’t working, ditch it and find a new way!

You need to focus on the basics.

There are a lot of amazing artists out there doing amazing, creative, and wild things with makeup. But they all have an excellent foundation from which they’re working in terms of skills. I always envy the avant-garde looks, but you’re only as good as your fundamentals. If I want to be an amazing artist, I need to make sure that my basics are down pat before I can expect my wilder looks to be as polished as possible. The better your basics are, the better everything else will be.

Do not compare where you are now to where someone else is.

Makeup has become a competition, sadly. And when you have so many great artists out there, it can be difficult to see your own work as it truly is, out of a comparative context. I need to remember that everyone out there who is an incredible artist started at the bottom. I need to be more gentle to myself and allow myself to get better at makeup, rather than simply putting myself down for having a bad brow day. I’ll get where I want to be, I just have to get out of my own head sometimes and not compare myself constantly. Give yourself time to grow, time to improve. Everyone was once where you are, or where you think you are. You’re good enough already, and think about how much better you’ll get over time.

What are some things you want to work on to be a better makeup artist? Let me know in the comments! And while you’re here, how about checking out some common skincare mistakes that you may be making?


  1. amber 01/08/2018

    Yes! I’ve always said that the best way to have your makeup looking stellar is starting with a clean canvas. I’ve only recently gotten into primers, and they make a world of difference. These are great tips!

    Amber || mylifeinlimbo.com

    • makeupbykaelin 01/08/2018

      Right? I used to think my makeup looked ok when I had to skip skincare, and it makes the world of difference when I do skincare first!

      Thank you!

  2. Julia 03/10/2019

    Yeah I definitely need to give face primers a go, I just struggle to find ones that don’t break me out! That’s probably my main concern about using them.

    Julia // The Sunday Mode

    • makeupbykaelin 03/17/2019

      I’d recommend into looking into primers without silicone! Nothing lore filling, basically. That closes off the lore and for those sensitive to it, can cause breakouts. I’d take a look at water-based primers!


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