Makeup Must-Haves for College

It’s about that time of year again where high school grads are leaving for their first semester of college! This is a fun, if incredibly stressful, process and part of the craziness is trying to figure out what to pack. Thankfully when I left for college, my mom kept me from going nuts and taking everything possible. But one of the things I had the hardest time with was figuring out what makeup to pack, as I’d been collecting makeup for a few years at that point. (A collection I purged at one point and built back up, but that’s a post for another time).

college makeup essentials

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Easy Ways to Improve Your Makeup

To kick off the rebirth of my blog, I wanted to discuss something I’ve really been thinking a lot about lately as I try and redefine my approach to blogging and makeup.

In the makeup-sphere on social media, there’s this truth that people seem to dodge around. And while we all “know it” no one talks about it, and I feel that some people completely forget it all together. Namely, there’s always room for improvement! Even people with hundreds of thousands of followers can still learn something new and can somehow improve their work, even if only they know what they can improve upon.

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