5 Meditation Tips for Beginners

Meditation is one of those words that conjures up this mystical idea, and apparently has a ton of benefits (according to people)! It sounds amazing, it sounds good for you, and it sounds relaxing as hell. But it’s not that easy, the whole sitting quietly with a perfectly blank mind in a room so quiet you could hear a pin drop. That probably sounds a little bit… extra. And here’s the thing: it is. Most beginners lose interest really quickly, and frankly I don’t blame y’all.

Here’s some good news, though, for anyone that just can’t seem to sit and do nothing and think nothing and be nothing. Meditation can be fun, it can be dynamic, and it can be all these things with all the alleged health benefits too. For anyone that has wanted to try meditation, but can’t seem to make it work for you: here are five meditation tips for beginners.

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